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How to Prepare Your Heater for the Winter

How to Prepare Your Heater for the Winter

With colder weather on the way, it’s essential to make sure that your central heating system is ready to kick things into high gear. Here are some tips to help your home’s heater operate efficiently and safely during the chilly months ahead.

1. Ensure that nothing is touching your furnace.

To minimize the risk of fires, make sure that you keep the area around your furnace clear. It’s particularly important never to store flammable items or substances near this equipment.

2. Check the furnace flame color.

Your furnace’s flame should be bright blue. If it burns with a yellow or orange tinge, this indicates an issue. The burner might have dirt build-up, in which case it only needs to be cleaned. If this doesn’t solve the issue, then that means that your furnace is not creating the correct mixture of gas and oxygen. This problem can lead to carbon monoxide production and needs to be repaired by a technician before you continue to operate your furnace.

3. Stock up on extra air filters.

There are several reasons why you might need to change your furnace’s air filters more frequently during the holiday season. Moving holiday decorations in and out of closets and unpacking your cold-weather wardrobe kicks up a lot of dust, which can collect in your air filter. Also, if you have people staying over for the holidays, the amount of dander created by additional people under your roof will dirty your filter faster.

4. Uncover and open any blocked air vents.

Inspect your home to make sure that nothing is blocking your air vents, including furniture, rugs, and draperies. Also, make sure that all of the air registers over your air vents are open. Keeping the air registers open in every room allows your heating system to operate more efficiently than closing off specific vents to redirect airflow. If you’re having trouble achieving even temperatures in your home, a zoned HVAC system is often the best solution.

5. Make sure your carbon monoxide detectors are operational.

It’s never a good idea to assume your carbon monoxide (CO) detectors are working. After all, malfunctions in your gas furnace or gas-powered appliances can lead to a deadly carbon monoxide leak in your home. Take the time to check on your CO detectors and to consult a professional if you’re unsure whether you have enough of them installed or if they are in ideal locations.

6. Schedule a fall tune-up.

Regular maintenance is the best way to ensure that your heating system is running as efficiently as possible. Aside from this immediate advantage, maintenance also helps heating systems suffer from fewer breakdowns and last longer.

What Does a Tune-Up from Monarch Include?

Depending on the type of heating system you own, your heating tune-up may include:

  • Oiling motors and equipment
  • Inspecting ductwork and ventilation systems for leaks
  • Changing or cleaning filters
  • Testing electrical connections
  • Troubleshooting performance issues
  • Testing airflow and temperature control

Can’t remember the last time your heater received maintenance? The professionals at Monarch Home Services have the experience to provide maintenance for both central and ductless systems. Contact us online or give us a call at (661) 452-8707.

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